Why perform Regular audits and inspections

18 Jan 2018 Colby Derrimut

According to Worksafe Victoria, workers in warehousing have a higher than average chance of being seriously injured at work. By law, employers must provide a safe working environment for their workers and ensure no worker or visitor to their site is exposed to any risks. It is also a requirement of Australian Standard 4084-2012 that pallet racking is inspected for damage at least every 12 months.

When it comes to a warehouse enviroment and racking systems, Colby Derrimut have the knowledge and experience to perform cost effective inspections & safety audits as and when required. We address all necessary risks and assess whether the warehouse racking is compliant and meets the relevant Australian safety standards.

Once an audit is performed, a thorough and detailed report is provided listing any safety issues or concerns. We are also qualified to repair your pallet racking so it complies with AS4084.  

Regular Audits will provide peace of mind and the knowledge that as a Business Owner or Manager, you are ensuring a Safe and Risk Free Racking system in the Warehouse. This will let you concentrate on the real job of actually operating your Warehouse.

Please give us a call if you have any queries about keeping your Workplace safe.